音楽:The Golden Age of American Rock 'n' Roll: The Foll を ネットで探す

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キーワード:[The Golden]←を指定して商品探す /[2008-05-04のランキング]を見る


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The Golden Age of American Rock 'n' Roll: The Foll


Album Details
2008 release, an off-shoot in Ace Records' successful Golden Age Of American Rock 'N' Roll series presents 30 tracks with a common thread - all of them prevented their performers from becoming one-hit-wonders by following previous hits into the Billboard Hot 100! The vast majority of these tracks did very well indeed - better, in fact, than some of the hits that have featured in the main Golden Age series. Includes cuts from Danny & The Juniors, The Olympics, Mickey & Sylvia, Ernie K. Doe, Santo & Johnny, Gene Vincent, Ritchie Valens, Chris Montez, Dion & The Belmonts and many more.

Album Description
The latest off-shoot in Ace's successful Golden Age Of American Rock 'n' Roll series presents 30 tracks with a common thread - all of which prevented their performers from becoming one hit wonders by following previous hits into the Billboard Hot 100.

The vast majority of these tracks still did very well indeed - better, in fact, than some of the hits that have featured in the main Golden Age series.

As always, the featured selections have been mastered from the finest sources, and one - the Corsairs' I'll Take You Home - is being released in stereo for the first time. Several have been unavailable for decades, and many of them have never seen any sort of reissue at all.

The kind of copious sleeve notes and booklet illustrations that GA fans have come to expect are 'all present and correct', of course, and the musical content has been subjected to the same quality control that has made the Golden Age Of American Rock 'n' Roll the backbone of the Ace catalogue for more than a decade now.

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ミュージック:[The Golden Spike を通販で購入する(予約する)]
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↓↓↓↓The Golden Age of American Rock 'n' Roll: The Foll↓↓↓↓をamazon.co.jpで購入する
The Golden Age of American Rock 'n' Roll: The Foll
↑↑↑↑The Golden Age of American Rock 'n' Roll: The Foll↑↑↑↑をamazon.co.jpで購入する

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