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Ancient and Modern


Album Details
UK four track CD EP from the singer/songwriter, a breathtaking collection of new material, the first to be heard since her critically acclaimed debut album The Lovely. Opening with the truly magnificent 'But Now I Do...', the song tenderly and beautifully builds, developing and leading us to Mara's distinctive combination of dramatic and contemporary vocals. This irresistibly enticing sound evolves further on 'Bowlface en Provence'. Mysterious and haunting throughout, and with an almost musical-like element, the tale is delivered with addictive affection. 'Away With These Self-Loving Lads' continues the theme, gentle and soothing, it musically ambles with complete splendor. Drawing the EP to a close is the bleak, yet charming 'Vietnamerie' a stripped back version of Amerie's hit single 'One Thing', innovative and creative in style it confidently exposes Mara's vocal flair and allows it to shine. Famous Charisma. 2008.


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↓↓↓↓Ancient and Modern↓↓↓↓をamazon.co.jpで購入する
Ancient and Modern
↑↑↑↑Ancient and Modern↑↑↑↑をamazon.co.jpで購入する

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